As a prequel to the critically acclaimed Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul introduces various new characters while expanding on familiar faces. Rex Linn, known for his role as "The. After hiring her, Jimmy coaches Francesca as two calls come in, one of which turns out to be from Mike. Jimmy agrees to meet with Mike the next morning. Mike tasks Jimmy with. Rex Linn is such a widely known and respected actor, currently starring in NBC’s Happy’s Place with his IRL girlfriend Reba McEntire, it’s hard to believe he had a few wildly. Rex Linn, an accomplished American actor, has graced both the big and small screens for decades. His versatility and dedication to his craft shine through in every role he. Two episodes later, an inchoate glance at a set of stolen photos provided Kim Wexler (Rhea Seehorn) with important evidence in her case against Mesa Verde and boss.
Rex Maynard Linn (born November 13, 1956) is an American film and television actor. He is best known domestically for playing the role of Sgt. Frank Tripp in the CBS drama.
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